The Outta Space, 6840 32nd St., Berwyn

CODY LEE "Cody Lee is a reflective romantic, a singer/songwriter who makes no apologies for wearing his heart on his sleeve. He is a rare breed. In this age of backing tracks, electronic mumbo jumbo and auto tune, Lee has chosen to forge his own path, armed with only his voice, his guitar and his talent to write a good song. His efforts and those of the few like him should be heralded; for they hold the ability to introduce music once again to hungry ears in a barren industry."

"You see, Cody Lee is no stranger to the stage or the studio. He cut his teeth in the CBGB’s/Max’s Kansas City era of New York’s glam/punk scene. He’s shared a stage with The Kinks and played bass in The Dictators. This guy has street cred out the wazoo. As the years passed he found himself in Champaign, Illinois, the indie rock mecca, and, for nearly two decades, he fronted a blues rock band before breaking off and going acoustic. One might say he’s devolved…but they would be wrong. In reality it’s been his search for purity that has led him to strip away the accoutrements and the trappings and embark on a journey that benefits us all." Paul Barrel -